A fangirl blog about TV, movies, video games, books, and so much more



In late February 2025, Pixelated Reviews was created out of the impulsive ADHD brain of Jemellee.

Another fan girl blog

To avoid her erratic fangirl content to collide with her personal development journey, Pixelated Reviews was quickly built in less than 2 hours and launched.

Pixelated Reviews is a place to express her love and review all the TV, movies, video games, and everything else with pop culture on the internet. With so many of her interests and hobbies that can’t be narrowly niched down, Pixelated Reviews is the perfect hub for her praises and rants that won’t be bogged down to any of the social media algorithms.

A long history

In the last 10 years, Jemellee went through a number of rebrands and names, (SnappyByte; Jempanada; PixelatedJem), only to now be settled with the name, Pixelated Reviews. Living in the ever-changing and fast-paced digital world, she’s going back to her roots of the Internet.

By writing and blogging about everything she loves in pop culture media.

A fangirl blog about TV, movies, video games, books, and so much more